Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Valentines Day went PERFECT! I had flowers, pizza (with a heart made out of pepperoni) and beer delivered to Mark's work. When I got home, Josh gave me a cute heart he made me in school with flowers on it. Mark gave me my gift was a beautiful bracelet with a heart charm and two other charms with the Carlie and Josh's birthstone on it... I LOVE IT! We gave Carlie some make-up from Sephora. (Now she doesn't have to use mine) and we bought Josh his moon sand that he had been wanting. Unfortunately, Lucy tried to eat it and gagged a few times, but all is good. We had a yummy spaghetti dinner and then let the kids make sugar cookies. I was too full to eat one, but they managed to eat only one because they were sooo sweet!

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