Thursday, April 30, 2009

The most awkward sleeping position ever!

Brooke has been doing really good and rolling over from belly to back - back to belly. She will also get on all four's and rock back and forth as well as go from her belly to a sitting position. The one thing she hasn't nailed, other than crawling is going from a sitting position to a laying down position...unless of course she sees something she wants and just goes for it, with out caring if there is a fall in the process. Her newest thing is sitting up in her crib. Well, the poor baby doesn't know how to lay back down, so we found her, folded in half, sleeping on her lap and then this:

Yes...she is sleeping!!!

Donate Life Walk

On Saturday morning, my work participated in the Donate Life Walk. Last year, I volunteered at the registration booth because I was too pregnant to do the walk/run, however, this year, Mark and I did the run. It was a 5l (3.2 miles). I pushed Brooke in the jog stroller and she loved it....she actually fell asleep for the last mile. Mark ran it in 30 minutes, Brooke and I did it in 42 minutes. :-) It was very hard to see all the pictures of the people that lost their lives, yet, it was somewhat comforting to know that their organs were donated to help someone else survive. All of the families that lost loved ones had their loved ones pictures on the back of their shirts.....some where even babies. :( My work was the primary sponsor of this event, so we got some great advertising. Stacie, Alex and the kids also participated in the 5k. :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Big Bang Friday

Friday afternoon, as the office was emptying out for the day (around 4ish) Roger, my managing partner, came by and asked if I wanted Angel tickets. I was like....HECK YES I DO! He told me it was firework night. So...I got even more excited because #1, Brooke has never been to a game #2, Brooke has never seen fireworks and #3 I had Carlie and Josh that night, so this would make a fun family night. Well, he handed me the tickets and WHOA....they were our firm seats, which is front row behind home plate! $150 a piece! WITH DIAMOND PARKING! So, after work, we went home, ate some Mc Donalds and headed off to the game. We got there in the second inning. We figured if we got there later, Brooke would last later....I really, really wanted her to see the fireworks. :-) The game wasn't that great....Angels lost....BIG TIME. But it was a great experience. Here are the pics...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

NEWS FLASH - "Father vomits on daughter"

WHAT? Was this father drinking? NO!! Did this father eat some bad food? NO!!! Did this father change his daughters diaper and in the process get covered in poop as well as get it all over the baby and the changing table, which, in turn, caused him to vomit, literally, on his daughter? BINGO!!! Who is this father you ask? Well, ladies and gentlemen...that would be our very own, Mark. Sorry....since I was told after the fact, I have no pictures. I am sure this won't be the last time though.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mark's Mistress

Some women have their husbands receptionist to be jealous of....I, on the other hand, get to deal with something more materialistic. Just take a look below....dare you ask how many times Mark has asked ME to stand by the fence of our home so he could take pictures of me? That would be a big fat ZERO. WHATEVER!

Grandma turns "39"

On Saturday evening, we all met up at Billy's for my moms bday. This is one of her favorite restaurants. :) As always, it was tasty and fun.

Brooke's 1st time in the pool!!!!

So....I can honestly say that I have been waiting for over a year to take Brooke to the pool. There is just something about the way babies get so excited and hold onto you so tightly. Brooke loves her bath time and loves to splash, so I was hoping the pool experience would be the same. Naturally, I was sure to make the whole entire family be there for this glorious event. ...and I was one of those crazy moms with the camera making sure I got this all documented. I of course sprayed her down with sun screen from the top of her head to the tips of her well as put a big hat on well as put her in a floaty with a sun shade. Unfortunately, she has some of my skin and doesn't do well with the heat. She started getting really blochy and her eyes got a little puffy. I am not sure if was all from the heat and partially from me attacking her with the sunscreen or if it was just all heat related. I am going to try again soon and see how she does. In the meantime, here are some pics. :-)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday (afternoon)

Around 1:30pm, we headed over to Ken and JoAnn's for our Easter celebration. JoAnn made ham, prime rib, salads, executive potatoes (Carlie's favorite), rolls, beans, etc. The kids received more easter baskets. There were about 20 people at the house. Soon after eating, the kids got to do an Easter Egg hunt in the back yard. The eggs had money AND chocolate in them. We also got to visit with the newest little Lutkus'.....five new kittens. NO KEN....WE DON'T WANT ONE! We finally headed home after dessert. It was a great and long day!