Thursday, April 2, 2009

Another GNO for Leanne

A few girls from my work decided it was time to hang out outside of work. So, we set a date for March 14th. Believe it or not...we actually stuck to it and went out. We were meeting in Laguna Beach at 9:30pm. This would give me time to feed Brooke and get her to bed before I left. This is where one of those "You know you're getting old when..." sayings come in. Around 8pm, I was ready to put on my pajamas and curl up on the couch. Despite my want to get into some pants with an elastic waistband vs. tight jeans (aka pre-brooke jeans that used to fit fine) and a tshirt vs a shirt that requires the occassional checking of the goods to make sure nothing is showing that shouldn't be, I powered up and got ready anyways. I am really glad I did - It turned out to be a really fun evening. We met up at the usual, Ocean Brewery, and then migrated on over to Hennesey's. I, myself, did very well on the drinking portion of the evening. Others, on the otherhand, didn't. Lets just say there was some vomit and pee located on or near Mark's car.

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