Monday, February 18, 2008


So our 2nd Annual Daytona 500 party was this past Sunday. We had around 30 people show up. Some stayed in the garage and some stayed in the house. We had lots of food and the main dish was of course....Hot Dogs! Everyone brought some sort of domestic beer and of course most people had a Jello Shot or 4. For those of you that had the Jello Shots last year, the recipe consisted of 1/2 water and 1/2 vodka. After receiving some minor complaints about the weekness of the shots, we changed things up for this year. This years recipe consisted of 1/4 water to 3/4 vodka. From what I understand, they were quite strong and quite warming to the stomach. We also had a pool this year which made things a little more exciting, especially for the non-nascar fans. Here were the results:

1st place driver $95- Darren Reynolds (Newman)
1st place at 100 laps $47.50- Nicky See (K. Bush)
Last place $47.50- Alex Lutkus (K. Wallace)
Best Dressed Redneck - Rob (I'm not gonna even try on his last name)

All in looked like a good time was had. I can't wait for next year! Here are the pics...enjoy!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Valentines Day went PERFECT! I had flowers, pizza (with a heart made out of pepperoni) and beer delivered to Mark's work. When I got home, Josh gave me a cute heart he made me in school with flowers on it. Mark gave me my gift was a beautiful bracelet with a heart charm and two other charms with the Carlie and Josh's birthstone on it... I LOVE IT! We gave Carlie some make-up from Sephora. (Now she doesn't have to use mine) and we bought Josh his moon sand that he had been wanting. Unfortunately, Lucy tried to eat it and gagged a few times, but all is good. We had a yummy spaghetti dinner and then let the kids make sugar cookies. I was too full to eat one, but they managed to eat only one because they were sooo sweet!

Bathroom is FINISHED!!!

After almost a week of being trapped in a tiny bathroom with no windows....Mark has finally finished his bathroom! Let's just hope people don't come over and out of habit write on the new clean walls.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Not 1, not 2, but THREE!

Carlie had a game last night and did absolutely GREAT! She was VERY aggressive and played a variety of positions. She has really come a long way in the 2 seasons she has played...and I am not just saying that cuz I am her proud mom....her coach even commented. Anways, she proceeded to make THREE goals last night. The game before, she made two goals. I have promised her a Jamba Juice every time she scores a goal....good thing I didn't promise money...I would be going broke! WAY TO GO CARLIE!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

....and the house search continues!

So now that little Brooke is on the way, we have been thinking about the space, or lack thereof, in our condo. We have been looking at a few houses here and there hoping to find a nice four bedroom OR three bedroom plus den. It is pretty crazy what people considered a den these days. My parents house has a den and it has four walls with a door! Not these places... So Saturday we looked at a four bedroom...perfect size, perfect location, not so perfect price. Upon Mark's approval, I emailed the landlord and made him an offer. I offered him $350 less than his asking price in hopes that he might bite since there are several 4 bedrooms sitting vacant in Irvine right now. I told him what great tenants we are and would be, naturally. Well, all day goes by yesterday and all day goes by today and no word. Being the impatient pregnant woman I am, I decide to call him around 4:30pm. He answered and I told him I was following up to an email I sent yesterday...he says, "okay". I said...we are the ones that viewed the property on saturday. He said "is this the $2500 offer?" I said yes it is! He replied with a harsh, nope, not interested! RUDE!! How about a nice reply to my email that I sent YESTERDAY!!??!? Or how about a nice.....let me give it some more thought or see if I don't get any other offers on it?? You better believe that I am keeping an eye on this property and if it is still vacant in March...I am sending an email saying "how does my $2500 look now buddy?", onto the next property!

Mark thinks he's pimp!

So Mark has a green bike right? The other night, he was looking around on the internet and was like....BABE....look!! They have gold bike chains. YES....he said it! GOLD BIKE CHAINS! I was like...yah, whatever babe..haha, funny! Guess what he comes home with today!?!?! A GOLD BIKE CHAIN!! It looks like a gold teeth on his bike...yet he is so proud. If you don't believe me...check out the picture!!

Downstairs Bathroom

So this past friday night, I was peeing for about the 10th time that day and I happened to glance at the wall and I saw a slight tear in our wallpaper. Most of you reading this know that we had hideous wallpaper in our downstairs bathroom and had every intension of tearing it out years ago, but then everyone that came over started signing it so it has stayed up....well, until Friday that is. Anwyays I see this tear and have to give it a little tug. Lo and behold....a WHOLE strip comes off. So I keep tearing and pulling and tearing and pulling. Meanwhile, Mark is out walking the dog and has no idea what he is going to come home to. I had close to half a wall torn down by the time Mark got back from his walk. He walked in the door and said "Well, I know what I am doing this weekend!" Unfortunately, the wall paper wasn't coming off completely, only the top layer was. So two trips to Home Depot, a few grunts and moans from Mark and $200 later, the wall paper is all off it there are only some minor touch ups left to do. Oh yah, and most importantly, hopefully tomorrow, we can bring the toilet back in from the patio. Can we say GHETTO? Poor Mark will have his evenings back soon as he has been doing all the work because A) the bathroom is too small for two people to work in and B) he doesn't want me (and Brooke) smelling the fumes. Isn't he the best!?!