Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I swear..this is the final post about our busy weekend...promise!

Mark got to work this weekend, in between all the other chaos going on, and managed to put together Brooke's crib. It matches our furniture PERFECTLY! I also washed all her clothes, bedding, blankets, burb cloths and washcloths. Her "corner" is somewhat put together. We are waiting for the changing table to be delivered and then I can finish putting stuff away and she will be all set! To Mark's joy and despite what he has been told, the crib was pretty easy to set up. With everything coming together, it is beggining to seem all too real that Brooke will be gracing us with her presence in four weeks or less! I, personally, am shooting for 2 weeks. All this moving around and buying and setting up new things, only to move in a few months or so. The house hunt is a whole other blog, but I won't bore you with that right now...

How do people survive....

....without DVR or TIVO? In the midst of our very busy weekend, we also upgraded our DVR/Cable box to a HD DVR/CABLE box. We decided to keep the old box for upstairs. Now, we can record 4 shows at once instead of 2. Unfortunately, all the shows just had their finales, so we probably won't put both of them into good use until the fall....but hey...we are SO ready!

Welcome to 2008!

So Mark and I finally caught with the times and purchased a new TV this past weekend. It is a Samsung 50inch HD plasma 720. Now I know it isn't a 1080 Blue Ray blah blah blah, but this was a pretty huge step for us in the technology world. The guy at Best Buy TRIED to sell us on Blue Ray (even though he doesn't work on commissions) and TRIED to tell us that Blue Ray is all that will be available in a couple years, but whatever...we'll take our chances. We also bought a cool TV stand and surround sound with wireless speakers! Oh, and I can't forget about my new vaccuum. It's bagless, with a hepa filter and some kind of super duper dog hair picker upper thingy. We also steamed cleaned our carpets, re-arranged the furniture and then used our new vaccuum. After cleaning out the steam cleaner bin and seeing the filter on the vaccuum, you would think Lucy lost a whole dog's worth of hair. GROSS! Some say this was my nesting weekend, but considering I have a lot more to clean and do, I am hoping that wasn't the only spurt of energy I will be getting before Brooke makes her debut!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Josh's last game

Last night Josh had his last baseball game. They played the Phillie's. The game started out great...we scored 4 in the first inning, they scored 1. In the second, we scored 4 again, they scored 1. However, by the end of the 4th inning, the game was tied 9-9. Thankfully in the 5th inning, we got enought runs in to clinch the win. Final Score 15-10. Afterwards, we all celebrated with pizza, brownies, salad and cake. Josh received the award for Most Improved Catcher. He was very exctied. Next stop....Junior Lifeguards.

LUCY = Mark's guinea pig

So Mark decided to make his first attempt at a diaper. One would think he would use a doll, but no...not Mark. Poor Lucy was caught in the line of fire. When Mark called her over, I am sure she thought it was for something fun like a walk or a treat, little did she know what she was in for. So, being the good dog that she is, Mark laid her on her back and she just sat there wondering what in the world he was doing. He proceeded to put the diaper on her, and correctly I might add. Of course we got a picture before she squirmed her way out of it....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

34 weeks 4 days

We had another Dr. appointment today and the doctor is guessing Brooke weighs about 5lbs. Her head is still down...good girl! Nothing major going on....just the typical swelling of the ankles (not quite cankles). I am also still getting Braxton Hicks contractions throughout the day, but the doctor said it's nothing to be concerned about. He even said that if I wanted, I can be induced 7 days before my due date. However, I know how hard Pitocin kicks in, so I think I'll pass and let her just come when she's ready. Since this very well may be my last child, maybe something cool will happen, like my water will break at work or in the grocery store!!! Either way, we plan to be ready for the newest addition! I'll be sure to post pics after we get everything set up this weekend!

Third Baby Shower!!!

This past Saturday we had our third baby shower. April, Nicky, Courtney, Stacie and JoAnn all helped out with the planning. It was held at Papa Ken and Grandma JoAnn's house. We had yummy sandwiches, pasta salad, champagne, cake and home made ice cream. We got so many nice gifts....Brooke is set! We (Mark) will be putting the crib up this weekend. I am going to start washing blankets, bedding and her clothes. We are also going to re-arrange our living room to make some space for the swing and pack N play. I know what you are thinking.....and NO, I am not nesting. :-) That will probably happen in the next few weeks.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Lucy is SO cute!

Last night we called up Lucy into our bed to watch some TV before putting her in her own bed. She must have been VERY comfortable last night because of the way she was laying. I ususally don't take pictures of her becasue she HATES the point where she will run away from you with her tail tucked between her legs (kind of like what I do right now). However, last night, I couldn't refrain...just too cute! ...and yes...she took off right after the picture and I even used my phone! Here is the pic!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Moss Adams Baby Shower

Today my work threw me a surprise baby shower! How cool is that! April and Lisa, with the help of my boss, Linda, planned the whole thing. LOVE THEM! It was actually a double shower with me and a co-worker...she is three weeks ahead of me. We got to open presents together and eat yummy cake. We got a TON of cute clothes, robe and slippers, first aid kit, pacifiers, infant medicine, diaper stacker, mobile, pack n play and Mark got his race car walker....that he registered for. Now Brooke can wear her race car jacket, sit in her race car walker and watch the race wtih daddy on Sundays. Also, a very sweet lady at work, Olivia, knitted a beautiful afghan for Brooke. I know that is something Brooke will be able to cherish forever! Here are some pics...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Brooke's in the "ready" position!

We had our 32 week check-up today. All is going right on schedule. :-) Brooke is the right size and I have gained 27lbs. UGH! Our doctor said that is right where I should be, but it still seems like alot. Oh well, this is the only time I will be able to not completely freak out about gaining that much weight. Dr. Clayton was able to feel that Brooke's head is down. What a good girl...she is already cooperating! :-) Let's just hope she stays this way.

Wedding Video!!!


Well, not really, but a few seconds of our wedding video made it on our videographers website. Check it out!

Go to the bottom of the page and click on the Balboa Pier video!!! of the best days EVER!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Carlie's Water Polo!!

About a month ago...Carlie started playing on the Kahuna Club Water Polo team in Irvine. It looks like the hardest sport around. She practices on Tuesday and Thursday nights for two hours a night. The whole practice is in 15 feet deep water, so basically, they are treading water the whole practice. The first practice I went to, Carlie was barely able to keep her head out of the water, however, I went to practice last night and she had her head out of the water the whole time and they were scrimagging against each other. they will eventually have scrimmages against other cities, but it's just pracices for now. I only had my phone last night, so the pictures aren't the best. Carlie was one of the only ones wearing a purple swim cap...